Busta Paga (“Boosta Paga!”). Italian for Paycheck.
Paycheck, Italian-style.
We’re having fun here. Oh, want to get technical? Can do.
In 1996, a Northern Italian brewery, Birrificio Italiano, debuted Tipopils, a dry-hopped German-style Pilsner.
Germany and Italy — famous for always agreeing on things — differed on the acceptability of adding hops after primary fermentation, a.k.a., dry-hopping.
In Germany, dry-hopping was verboten by the Reinheitsgebot. (They’ve since eased up their interpretation and enforcement of the 1516 Beer Purity Law.)
Italy, not so much.
We’re excited to offer Paycheck through an Italian lens, following Birrificio’s then-radical method of dry-hopping a Pilsner to highlight earthy, floral and spicy Noble hops.
It’s wild to think that, a generation ago, dry-hopping a Pilsner was considered radical. A generation from now, will we look back to today’s additions of cheesecake and Skittles and have the same indifference?
Chi lo sa.