
SHARKNADOSTEAM. Yeah, you got that right. We just hyphenated "Sharknado" with "Steam." The result? SHARKNADOSTEAM!

Would you like the breakdown?

Sharknado: a beautiful / stupid* SyFy thriller!
Steam: us!
SHARKNADOSTEAM:  a magical night at Fullsteam where we eat shark and watch this stupid glorious movie called Sharknado!

Have you seen it?? ... I actually haven't. My sister saw it and said it was bloody, and gross, and stupid. Obviously, my reaction was: Okay, then let's screen it at Fullsteam! Thanks to our wisdom, you can experience the blood, grossness, and stupidity on Saturday, September 7th.

We've scheduled two screenings:

7 p.m. an "all ages" show for you messed up parents who think it's cool to show your kids stupid bloody movies (in other words, owner Sean will be there with his two daughters).
10 p.m. for the adults. KIDS BE GONE!

Of course, what good is a movie about people-eating sharks without PEOPLE EATING SHARKS? Eat shark while watching sharks eat people! It's so sustainable! Starting at 9 p.m., Saltbox Seafood Joint will serve up some delicious shark-themed food.

Get ready for other sharky, snarky surprises at the 10 p.m. showing. No, we're not going to tell you! Just show up! ENOUGH SAID! 





* "beautiful / stupid" is Fullsteam's corporate mantra that the best things in life are equal parts beautiful and stupid.