Supporting local food systems matters, now more than ever. We make these rather straightforward reports as our promise to you: transparent, consistent support of farmers, foragers, and agricultural value-added business like North Carolina's three malt houses.
This is our commitment from a business-to-business perspective. So what can you do...especially right now in these dark and uncertain times? You can support a local farm through the act of commerce.
The Carolina Farm Stewardship Association has just posted a Google map of area farms that allow direct, on-farm pickups. We know: it's easy to get hooked on Amazon shipping. Use Amazon for staplers. Support your local farm for sustenance. For you. For them. For the local economy.
Since launching in 2010, Fullsteam has purchased nearly $540,000 in Southern-sourced ingredients -- primarily from North Carolina farms. March's Southern farm purchases -- nearly four tons and over $6,600 in Southern ingredients -- consisted mostly of North Carolina grains for core beers and some specialty one-offs.
Production declines due to COVID-19 had a commensurate effect on our purchases of Southern-farmed ingredients. We are hopeful that the recent increase in demand for packaged beer will provide more opportunities for local purchasing...particularly barley.
Speaking of barley: Fullsteam is a Certified Craft Malt Brewery, committed to sourcing 10 percent or more grains from a certified craft malt house. Learn more about this program at the Craft Maltsers Guild.
$537,315.07 Southern-farmed ingredients, totaling
570,961 pounds (286 tons)
In March 2020, Fullsteam brewed:
- Paycheck
- Rocket Science
- Humidity
- Saison de Pierre Delecto
- Todo Vapor
- Coyote & Badger
- a Southern Wit
- a Maibock
- Wild Durham (an urban-foraged Modern IPA in collaboration with Durham Beat)
Spending $6,614 on 7,845 pounds of Southern-sourced:
- Epiphany Foundation (2-Row)
- Epiphany N.C. Triticale
- Epiphany Munich malt
- Epiphany Modern Pilsner malt
- Epiphany Braumalt
- Epiphany Wheat
- Foraged Persimmons
- Coriander and Orange Peel, sourced from Asheville, NC-based Spicewalla
- Fullsteam defines "Southern" as the swath of land from Washington D.C. to Louisiana. That said, North Carolina farms, maltsters, and foragers account for the vast majority (>95%) of these Southern ingredients.
- For the purposes of this report, we only include grains farmed and malted in the South.
- To find each beer's percent local by weight, look for the "% local" designation on the beer label or its entry on our website.