Strawberry Twang!

Carolina Farm Sour

Fruspy (fruit, spice, yeast)

As the growing season begins, we get a jump-start on the first fruit of the Carolinas: strawberries.

Our friends at Cottle Farms (Faison) and Seal the Seasons (Hillsborough) provided us with several hundred pounds of peak-season strawberries kept cold from last year. That's over ten pounds for barrel going into this twangy, bracingly refreshing 3.8% fruited sour.

Brewed with a blend of Epiphany chit malt, torrified wheat (for head retention in this draft-only offering), and fiesty Kveik yeast, Strawberry Twang delivers on promise. Twang!

Alc. By Vol.
To-Go Options
Drink It With
spring salad
Grains Riverbend Crystal 50, Epiphany Barley (Chit), Brewer's Malt, Torrified wheat
Other North Carolina Strawberries

Awards & Certifications

Craft Malt Certified

Independent Brewery