Craft Malt Certified
contains at least 10% regional grain
We've worked with High Rock Farm in Gibsonville, N.C. for a number of years now, incorporating their chestnuts into a wide range of beers. This round, it's 1807 (the farm's founding year) -- a Vienna Lager brewed with High Rock's chestnut flour. Nutty, malty, and toasty, this beer is perfect on its own and amazing with a wide range of foods.
Support the revitalization of the American Chestnut! Drink beer.
Grains | Goldenpils Vienna malt, Bonlander Munich malt, Locally malted barley (Vienna), Locally malted barley (Chocolate), Locally malted barley (Foundation) |
Hops | Aramis, Saaz, Magnum |
Yeast | House Lager |
Other | Local chestnut flour |
contains at least 10% regional grain